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Lease Renewals

Commercial lease renewals and business lease renewals

Commercial property lease renewals

Background - Commercial lease renewals and business lease renewals

Lease renewals of business tenancies or leases of commercial property or business property in England and Wales fall into one of two categories:

  • Commercial lease renewals and business lease renewals of tenancies or leases within the security of tenure provisions of Part 2 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954.

  • Commercial lease renewals and business lease renewals of leases or tenancies that are not protected by Part 2 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954.

It is imperative to determine at the outset whether the lease or tenancy is protected by Part 2 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954. Even if it is protected, the grant of a new tenancy can be denied provided that certain specific grounds are met. These are set out in s30 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954.

There are strict procedures and time limits to lease renewals of protected business tenancies. It is therefore important that you take professional advice at the earliest opportunity in order to avoid the many pitfalls that could prevent a successful outcome of your commercial property lease renewal.

For investment property owners it is essential to start considering a commercial property lease renewal at least 18 months prior to the lease expiry. Occupiers of business premises facing a lease renewal should also start to consider their options well before the lease renewal is due. This will ensure that they are able to be in the best possible position to achieve a favourable outcome of the lease renewal.

Our Skills – Dealing with commercial lease renewals and business lease renewals

Mackenzie Associates are experts in dealing with commercial property lease renewals and business lease renewals. We have over 20 years' experience. 

We have a thorough working knowledge of the legislation and the associated case law relating to commercial lease renewals and business tenancy renewals. This, together with considerable experience of successfully negotiating favourable lease renewal terms for a range of business premises occupiers and commercial property investment owners, means that we are uniquely placed to ensure that you achieve the best possible result for your lease renewal.

Commercial lease renewal disputes

The majority of commercial property lease renewals are settled by agreement. Where there is a dispute over the amount of the new rent or other lease terms it can be resolved by one of the following methods:

  • Proceedings in the County Court.

  • Referring the disputed matters of the lease renewal to arbitration under the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) PACT scheme. This requires both parties to the dispute to agree to use this method.

We have experience of disputed lease renewals and the legal processes involved (see our Expert Witness & Expert Report section).

Commercial lease renewals outside of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954

Lease renewals outside of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 require a different approach. We are fully conversant with the tactics to be adopted to produce a favourable outcome for this type of lease renewal. We also have the negotiating skills and experience to apply them successfully to your lease renewal.

Contact us for a free initial discussion about your commercial property lease renewal or business lease renewal.