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Compulsory Purchase Compensation for Injurious Affection

Compulsory purchase compensation claims for injurious affection to residential and commercial property where only part of a property or land holding is acquired

Compulsory Purchase Compensation for Injurious Affection

As experienced compulsory purchase compensation claims experts, we are able to deal with your compensation claim for injurious affection. A brief outline of compensation for injurious affection is set out below.

  • Compulsory purchase compensation for injurious affection occurs where the scheme will take only part of a property and adversely affects the remaining part.

For most compulsory purchase injurious affection compensation claims our fees will be reimbursed by the acquiring authority in addition to any other compensation paid.
If you are affected by compulsory purchase of part of your land or property resulting in injurious affection, contact us for a free initial discussion.

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