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Arbitration & Dispute Resolution

Commercial property rent review arbitration and determination by independent expert

Commercial arbitration rent reviews leases


Most commercial leases provide for disputes, particularly in respect of rent reviews, to be referred to arbitration or determination by an independent expert. Lease renewals may also be dealt with by arbitration under the RICS PACT scheme. This requires the agreement of both parties. It is only suitable for simpler cases, normally where the new rent is the main area of dispute.

Our Skills

We have extensive experience of conducting references to independent expert and arbitration. This provides us with the skills to carry out an initial assessment of the likelihood of succeeding and the potential cost implications. We can then advise on the tactics to adopt to achieve the best possible outcome.

Ian Mackenzie is on the RICS President’s panel of independent experts and arbitrators and frequently gets appointed to act in respect of rent review disputes and lease renewal disputes under the PACT scheme. He is also prepared to consider accepting private appointments by agreement between the parties to the dispute.